After many phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook posts, and even TikTok videos, the Denton Lewisville (TX) Alumni Chapter Kappa League completed its tasks. Kappa League is a youth development program under the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity incorporated Guide Right Program. The chapter capitalized on every opportunity to raise money for their activities and event for the 2022-20
23 school year. The event opened on Oct 17 and ended on Oct 21. That's right, the drive was open for only five days (120 hours).
The DLA Kappa League teamed up with the gourmet popcorn company Double Good as fundraising partners. Double Good is app-based, allowing users to keep 50% of the sales while doing minimal work. Double Good also isn't afraid to sacrifice some of its own money. 50% of every dollar spent goes towards a good cause. Founded in 1998 as a popcorn chain selling to national retailers, Double Good underwent a massive change in 2003. Rather than just selling snacks, Double Good split its focus between popcorn and fundraising. The aim was to bring more joy to more people.
The chapter will split a total of $8,559, with Double Good bringing in a total of $4,279.50. The chapter currently has 10 Kappa League Members ranging from High School seniors to 6th graders. The chapter also comprises young men participating in sports, STEM, community Activism/services, and church. The funds earned will allow the member to engage in activities geared toward their individual and collective growth based on the Kappa League's seven phases which are the nucleus and primary focus of the Kappa League. The phases revolve around:
Health Education
Economic Empowerment and Education
College, Academic, and Career Readiness
William "Doc" Atkinson, the Chairman of the Denton-Lewisville (TX) Alumni Chapter's Guide Right program, described the fundraiser's accomplishment as a "great opportunity to add value to the DLA Kappa League Program and I am truly proud of what we have done today for and with these young men."
Outstanding Good Brother Atkinson 👌🏾