Sunday, September 11, 2022
The Denton-Lewisville (TX) Alumni Chapter (DLA) hosted its 3rd Kappa League Induction ceremony on the Campus of the University of North Texas, at the Center for Fraternity & Sororities. The ceremony was conducted by DLA's Guide Right Committee member Dr. William Atkinson Guide Right Chairman Terry Mouton, Guide Right Co-Chairman, Charles Beckworth, and Marcus Taylor. The Committee members presented to the 2022-2023 School Year inductees the essential areas of emphasis, such as:
History of Kappa League
Seven Phases of Kappa League
Obligation to Education and Skill Development
The Strive for Excellence in and out of the classroom
Three inductees gave the audience a breakdown of their experience of this year's Kappa Kamp. Grant Jackson (Kappa Kamp's Most Outstanding Kamper), Uriah Taylor, Carter Jackson, and Jorden Marrow expressed their gratitude toward the Kappa Kamp experience. "It was a great opportunity o get to know different people from other areas and states," said Grant. "The combination of online Kamp for week one and in person for week two allowed me to gain some familiarity of expectation because it was my first time away from my family that long," stated Uriah Taylor.

Following the inductees' presentation, Brother Marcus Taylor conducted a Q&A session with them to gauge their interests and ability to learn and lead. The Committee responded to the questions and concerns of the parents.
Afterward, the inductees took their profile photos and group pictures. Dr. Atkinson addressed the young men by saying, "many of us have been in this fraternity for some time now; we are giving back to you what we have learned so you can go forth and make a difference in your lives and the lives of others."

The Denton-Lewisville (TX) Alumni Chapter 2022-2023 School Year Kappa League members will have many events this year that will cover:
College tours
STEM Presentation
Etiquette Classes
Social Debate Competitions
Leadership Development activities
Financial Aid and Classes
Financial Literacy courses
and more
If you want to learn more about the Kappa League Program or inquire about your son becoming a member of the Kappa League, please visit dlakappa.org/kappaleague or email us at kappaleague@dlakappa.org.